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Cheryl Kline 'cloud Nine' Set

SP = Smart Points
SP: 396
SP: 396
In stock

The Kline 'cloud nine' brushes are here! Cheryl and Rosemary started working on these in 2018 and after much toing and froing across 'The Pond'  we finally got it right. There are three different 'fillings' in the brushes to achieve different textures/effects.
The white nylon are very soft and pliable, the natural hair mix is a little firmer and the bristle firmer still. All can be loaded with a lot of oil paint and stand up to the job. Cheryl uses these brushes in three stages. The bristle for the first layer; takes a good beating and great for the first toning of the canvas. The Ebony brushes are the middle layer, and then the soft synthetics for the finishing touches and glazing techniques. 
Fashioned on long black laquered handles with cupro nickel ferrules they are beautifully balanced and just the right feel to weight. Not just for clouds but ideal for blending, stippling and when a brush is required to carry a lot of paint.
See Cheryl's work up close and realise why when she used them she felt on 'cloud nine'.
 To visit Cheryl's website, click here.
Hog 1 3/4", 1", 2"
Ebony 1 3/4", 1", 2"
Synthetic 1 3/4", 1", 1 1/2"
5.0 star rating

Smart Purchase

I purchased the Cloud Nine Set as a supplement to other brush sets in my collection from Rosemary, I should have purchased them sooner. I paint in oils and I have been working with them all day long today and thoroughly enjoyed them. I do a lot of smooshing and scumbling techniques, these brushes are perfect for that. The cloud effects I can obtain are wonderful. Its just I should have purchased this brush set along time ago. Blending has been a real pleasure and it makes it very easy with Cheryl's set The brushes clean up very easy as well, I use Quang Ho's brush cleaning method always and my brushes last along time. Thank you Rosemary and Staff for selling and providing such wonderful brushes and for the kindness as well.


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