Series 304. Pointed Golden Synthetic
Commonly called 'Nylon', Golden Synthetic has some unique characteristics in that its retention, snap and spring are all superb. They are 100% Vegan Friendly.
This range is a great way to try out a mop brush if you have never tried one before, as they are a lower price point that both the Pure Squirrel Series 170 and the Pure Kolinsky Sable Series 1.
The Series 304 will help you loosen up your work, whilst retaining a beautiful tapered point. They have an excellent carrying capacity of both pigment and water, and are have much more spring than the alternatives. They are an entry level mop brush, though many professional artists do love them.
A favourite for portraits, landcapes and generally a good all-rounder.
The Series 304 work well in Watercolours, Oils, Acrylics, Water mixable Oils & goucahe though they are most favoured by watercolourists and silk painters.
For advice on cleaning your brushes, please click this link.