Series 273. Masters Choice Riggers
Masters Choice is an interesting hair with distinctive markings and a semi-stiff firmness of stroke, made from a blend of male & female badger hairs.
They are our most popular natural hair brushes for Oils. The hair is responsive, yet firm allowing for adding highlights and tonal values. They are resilient and wear down well.
The Rigger brush (also known as a liner or script brush) is great for thin, fine lines. For example, tree branches, tufts of grass, hair and of course for drawing. The longer length of the hair gives a flexible and forgiving brush stroke.
The Masters Choice work well in Oils predominately, though acrylic painters do favour their "fluffy" nature too.
A favourite for portrait painters, landscapes and Alla Prima work. The entire range of the Masters Choice are excellent for blending in Oils.
To see our brush cleaning videos on Youtube, click here.
For advice on cleaning your brushes, please click this link.