Shiraz. Filberts
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Originally designed for Oil and Acrylic artists yet works really well with watercolour. A blend of somewhat 'firmer' Nylon filaments giving the strength of the bristle yet offering a delicate feel through the brush stroke. As a result this range offers brilliant 'snap and spring' a good holding reservoir for colour and controlled flow through to the tip, with paramount resilience and durability, retaining a good shape.
The Shiraz Range are 100% synthetic and Vegan Friendly.
The Shiraz filberts are a versatile shape, allowing for broad strokes and softening edges. Particularly useful for blending in figurative work, however can make beautiful petal shapes and leaves.
A favourite for botanical painters and portraiture.
Shiraz is an extremely versatile brush for use with any medium.
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Filbert to see what the diference was. I found this brush was softer than the ivory and I really enjoyed
using it when painting sky's I will certainly be back
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