Series 230. Golden Synthetic Mini Rigger
Commonly called 'Nylon', Golden Synthetic has some unique characteristics in that its retention, snap and spring are all superb. They are 100% Vegan Friendly.
Our Series 230 is an extra fine detail brush, only available in the size 10/0 and on the short handle for balance purposes.
For more sizes in the Golden Synthetic Riggers, take a look at our Series 315's. For a Kolinsky Sable alternative to this half rigger, we offer the Series 441, in many more sizes.
A favourite for miniature painting, painting hair and very fine lines.
The Series 230 work well in Watercolours, Oils, Acrylics, Water mixable Oils & gouache though they are most favoured by watercolourists.
For advice on cleaning your brushes, please click this link.